Kentucky Truck Accident Frequently Asked Questions
Do semi-truck drivers lose their license as soon as an accident happens?
Not necessarily. In situations where drugs and alcohol are involved, a CDL may be temporarily suspended pending a verdict. However, if drugs and alcohol aren’t involved, losing a license may not be an issue at all. Truck drivers normally face the potential loss of license the same way other drivers do, with one exception. If you have a CDL, you are expected to honor the terms of the CDL whether you are driving a truck or not, so a DUI while driving a car could cost you your CDL.
When a truck driver loses a professional license because of an accident, can they still drive non-commercial vehicles?
The answer to this question depends on the situation. Loss of a professional license doesn’t always mean the loss of a license to operate a passenger vehicle. The professional license is an indication that you have a certain set of driving skills above and beyond a normal operator’s license. You’re expected to follow the guidelines that come with the CDL. If you violate them, you may lose it. Since the guidelines specific to a CDL don’t pertain to an operators’ license, you only lose the CDL. However, you cannot lose an operator’s license and maintain a CDL because when you violate the terms of an operator’s license, you also violate the terms of the CDL.
Can truck drivers seek compensation from the insurance of other drivers after an accident?
Yes. Though some courts may tend to assume the accident is truck driver’s fault before they hear all the facts, truck drivers can seek compensation when the accident is the fault of another driver. Just keep in mind that your company is going to look out for the company and not necessarily the driver, so you will most likely need your own lawyer to obtain the compensation.
What are some of the most common long-term issues after an accident?
Because of the way a semi is built, the driver doesn’t usually suffer from the impact as much as a driver of a passenger vehicle would. That is good for the body, but not always for the mind. One of the most common long-term issues that truck drivers suffer from after an accident is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Some even suffer from survivor’s guilt, even when the accident isn’t their fault.
Can a truck driver sue for damages after an accident?
Yes. One of the mistakes that truck drivers tend to make after an accident is to rely on the company lawyer to look out for them. That lawyer is hired to look out for the company, not the driver. Truck drivers who are involved in accidents should immediately seek out their own legal representation, just as any other driver would. If you have been in an accident, you may also want to look to your own insurance company to recover some of the losses, especially if the accident wasn’t your fault.
If you have other truck accident questions, please contact Harville Law Offices immediately online or call (502) 245-2333.